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"Horizontalism" is one of the ways in which so many here describe part of what they are doing and how they are doing it. Horizontalism is not an ideology, however, it is a relationship - a way of relating to one another in a directly democratic way while at the same time creating through the process of discovery. What has resulted is the creation of an amazing complex of movements, all linked, that range from hundreds of occupied and producing factories using forms of direct democracy and collective decision making, to dozens of neighborhood asambleas (assemblies), to dozens of piquetero groups, many of whom are organized into a network of the Movement of Unemployed Workers (MTD), and hundreds of autonomous neighborhood kitchens and centers of popular education. Horizontalidad en Argentina
by Marina A Sitrin
Repression of Unemployed Workers:
a new terror campaign to minimize subsidies
by Jennifer Schockemoehl and Jennifer Lawhorne
D20 Argentina: 2 Years Later Piqueteros, Neighborhood Assemblies and Occupied Factories
by Jim Straub